If you are reading this try think of a person that hacks and is not banned I can think of any when I play mineverse kitpvp everyone I battle doesn't hack. I just wanna say THANK YOU! for everyone that has spent there time to record and report hackers. This Is like a dream come true! <3
Why would you make this a thread intended for public discussion? Let's say a name is mentioned, and that following person doesn't hack; they'd be targeted and tested by various players for the rest of their Kit PvP career! That could really be rude and agitating. Another point I'd like to bring up, if you bring up a name, and the person you accuse reads it, they'll have a potential vendetta against YOU, and the owner for opening up such content. This can ruin your experience on just about anything Mineverse related. Finally, the flame this thread shall cause in inevitable. What happens to this thread, cannot be erased from the targets memory that easily. I advise to anybody to post at your own risk on this thread, as it could lead to some serious trouble.