Well, I didn't realize how many hackers I got banned on Mineverse from the time being here. To this day, I have successfully caught & got banned 57 hackers on Mineverse from KitPvP to Op to Lobby To Infection. I honestly just wasn't keeping track and I'm sorta proud of myself. Well, the reason I do this is because of the Moderators who inspired me to help out the community and end these guys :D The Following Moderators Are The Ones That Inspired Me To Do So ( At The Time I Started, So Don't Be Offended If You're not On Here :p ) @Pile_of_Butts @pokemaniac01 @Grayson @Glaadiator @rachetclanks Thanks Guys For The Support & Inspiring Me To Do This. I will continue to do this and hopefully, I will reach my 100 goal (And hopefully not at the same time) :p Channel For Reporting >.> : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmxXe-N0nMfUAh7ZfQi67uQ
I'm actually really impressed with myself, I've done 34 reports in 4 days, I'm actually really happy with that
@rachetclanks No problem. You honestly did and I'm glad you were there to show me how its done :p @jadey64 Wow, thats amazing! 34 reports in 4 days would drive me crazy though xD