I recorded me getting Ddosed by someone and I got his account banned, but he just came back on his other account. If they can hack, most likely they can have tons of alts. IP Banning may or may not work. VPNs will pass that depending on the IP banned for the user. I don't know if any of this made since. Sorry
You're talking about V3N0M someone who tries to find my Skype everyday with Nick as they both wanna hack me from a 4 month old problem. And yes, he's ban evading everyday on about 7 accounts, he's got 4 lists of 50 alts, he'll keep coming back. Also, a VPN Doesn't bypass /banip VPN's are for Skype, not Minecraft, Minecraft will still bring you IP up if the user has /op For example they can do /seen xXPvPKingsXx Time on 1hour 50 minutes 10 seconds IP Address: ***,**,***,** VPN's doesn't hide your IP on mc.
Your stupid if you get ddosed its so easy to prevent my dog could do it all you do is not give your your skype problemo solved and for the kid who said you cant get an ip through ts your obv not very smart because it pretty easy to get an IP through TS lel. Stop making threads on how to stop ddosing and all sorts of stuff. Also if i recall arnt you a wanna be hacker or something ? Hackers cant get DDosed last time i checked.
from the stuff you say in chat / on forums it makes it look like you want people to be scared of you because you can "hack"
I'm not sure if V3NOM is the same person that I'm talking about. I'm talking about X_TheReaper_X AKA Hacking(His name on MV now). Correct me if I am wrong please !
Lol banning the ddosers aint gonna do anything. its kinda ur personal prob. u give ur skype they ddos u