Your ingame name: GizzBots The offender's exact ingame name: 1. BullDzn - 0:08 2. Buttery_Boy_101 - 0:25 3. ChaosKill3rz - 0:42 4. CrazyStove97 - 1:01 5. Darkes25 - 1:25 6. FistMe1MoreTime - 1:43 7. HugizMC - 1:57 8. ImNotHacking_YT - 2:08 9. LavaMobs - 2:31 10. Mmasito123 - 2:45 11. Moodzi - 3:13 12. NotRaptor - 3:36 13. PetrosMC09 - 3:44 14. TheCreeperFartz - 4:25 15. XxAbdo_ULTRAxX - 5:49 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Evidence/full screenshots.
ChaosKill3rz, CrazyStove97, Darkes25, ImNotHacking_YT, LavaMobs, Mmasito123, NotRaptor, PetrosMC09 and TheCreeperFartz Have already been banned but for the rest they have been banned thanks for the report.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.