winner gets bragging rights 1. What's was my favourite Pokemon game? 2. What is my starter on Pokemon Sun? 3. What is my favourite Pokemon? 4. Am I bootiful 5. is whyte a duck 6. memes 7. Ya like jazz? 8. what was my first eeveeloution 9. is auzzi a Aussie 10. hi
1. ugh 2. ugh 3. ugh 4. yes 5. of course 6. me too 7. do I get a point for understanding that reference? I like jazz but it's not my first pick 8. nub to super nub 9. well yes duh 10. howdy
1. What's was my favourite Pokemon game? Pearl 2. What is my starter on Pokemon Sun? Charmander duh he's lit 3. What is my favourite Pokemon? Charizard because who doesn't like him 4. Am I bootiful? No only @Kyra is 5. is whyte a duck? No 6. memes more memes 7. Ya like jazz? Ew 8. what was my first eeveeloution? Dork 9. is auzzi a Aussie yes 10. hi hello