Everytime I try To join GTA It just Kicks me It does not say Sending too many packets it just kick me wats wroooooong???
Or like you tried, contact a mod either through the forums or in-game. Or delete minecraft and reinstall. If that doesn't work try downloading the "Technic Launcher", getting the Vanilla gamepack on there, then try logging into GTA.
No I DONT have a hacked client it does NOT say I have to many packets ill try dat Now it says I have to many pakets I do NOT HACK I promise
Try going through another one of Mineverse's IP's. See what skywars.com will do for you. I had another player that had this same issue and it worked for him.
It's likely not on Mineverse's end. All of the issues have fixes, we've given you all the fixes that we know about. When you login, do you have any time at all, to where we could potentially force tp you to us at spawn?
I dont hack so it must to be doing something with that i srsly dont hack ;_; Only for a few seconds try tping me to spawn No just at spawn and it kick meh WHAT THE H*ll mineverse!!!!
mineverse.com mineverse.net skywars.com hellblock.net ^ try those and see if it lets you connect to GTA. You can also go to http://shop.mineverse.com/category/105731 and buy the free tp to spawn.