Kinicha wa I am ready to protect and serve our people Ikr, this isn't a joke, I am from the country ling ling and this is disrespecting my culture
Yeah, I just herfed out a baby I'm still working out to put my memory in the computer, I have drew pictures of people hacking and reporting it in but can you believe that the mods rejected it!??!?! Unbelievable!!!
Next time you want to make a troll application, at least put it in the right place, so the mods can do something other than have to move these troll applications
Next time you want to express anger to someone who wants to brighten up people's days, make me a sandwich, with extra mayo
I am just saying, some may get confused on whether this is a real or non-real application, and leave their feedback. I am also saying, that all troll applications, weather they're to brighten someone's day or not, have to be posted in Off-Topic. I am also out of mayo.