C So there is something wrong being grammatically correct? Just because we use proper spelling, and punctuation doesn't mean we are twelvies trying to act like adults? And even for the people that do act like the bigger person.. There is nothing wrong with that.. They are just trying to fit in with the people that use the fact that their opponent is a child against them.. It's honestly pathetic.
Lol, I'm just joking bro. Anyway people, the fact is that yes grammar makes things easier to read/interpret, but shouldn't be an obsession nor a matter of life or death :P
Lol, I only use correct grammar on forums, if you see me in-game i'm the exact opposite of a grammar Nazi.. But I still like being one when I get into heated arguments that have no point. *Cough NDG *Cough
I'm a little disappointed in the fact that you mentioned me alone, and I just realized that this thread was made today. I haven't been active lately. Don't tell me to "gtfo" when you specifically mentioned me in this thread. I only use these "comebacks" in arguments that you start, but can't finish. Sorry buddy. I'm done here, I'm going to go do something that matters.