Hey guys, my name is SpeedyNinjaZ. I am a badass on the Mineverse forums because I am a very educated scholar with perfect grammar on this website/server. I am here to teach the young kids on this server. (90% of Mineverse people being 12 years and younger). Also, if I am getting roasted, I will resort to calling out people on "Bad Grammar" ....No one cares. all you people who do this is just something else. this isn't school. myself, and most people give 0 if you wanna resort to being a grammar nazi because you have no other comebacks...this is mc. (excuse my language. lmk mods if u want me to remove the cussing :l ) -this has nothing to do with ratings, im talking about people who use grammar for comebacks
Can you just not post. Anything Ive seen you post has been completely useless and has no point. Also, calling yourself a ninja and putting a Z after it hasn't been cool for a couple of years now.
Incorrect grammar is a problem. Age does not matter when it comes to grammar. I spoke with great grammar at age 10, despite living in a country with a very low level of foreign language education. I'm 12 now and I speak with great grammar. It's not that hard. I used to appreciate when others would correct me, as that helped my education. Other should do the same, as so called "grammar Nazis" are actually helping. Grammar is an important thing and should be treated as such, not to be pushed away. There is no point to this thread. It boggles my mind how so many people aged 10-20 and older speak with horrendous grammar, even the people who complain about others' grammar use it incorrectly much of the time. //endrant
The grammar thing is ok :P Oh and by the way I bolded the word young. You should say "I am here to teach the younger kids on this server.
It's so cute when the kiddies try to act adult and responsible-like. Just makes me more leery of what is said and who said it. Why can't you just play Minecraft, exercise your brain, be creative....you don't have to be in 'Creative' to be creative. And, from what I've seen, Creative isn't for most modern humans. This shouldn't be nothing more than a group of people playing Minecraft. Stop trying to annoy, trap, or kill someone unless your in that kind of game. Chat is a communication line for people serious about Minecraft, not much else. Update: OnionWarrior said "So there is something wrong being grammatically correct? Just because we use proper spelling, and punctuation doesn't mean we are twelvies trying to act like adults? And even for the people that do act like the bigger person.. There is nothing wrong with that.. They are just trying to fit in with the people that use the fact that their opponent is a child against them.. It's honestly pathetic." I said nothing derogatory about grammatical errors in chat or this forum. I was, however, pointing out the fact that some children berate other children as if they were adults'. It's like the old saying, "Children can be so cruel to each other". And the cruelest of all can now use the internet to boost there own self esteem with the simplest words ...in a child friendly game.
Ha! All of you people who praise yourself for perfect grammar, yelling at people for not, are speechless. Finally a boot to the butt telling all of you to screw off.
I praise people who have perfect grammar, however, I am not speechless. The OP's post didn't even amaze me at all.