Hey i got an bug in the lobby im Sponsor and cant use Pets,Fire Horse and Secret Hideout Please Fix That bug ! Secret Hide = Usable by Donator or higher but when i klick it there wrotten "You Need VIP or higher but there is Donator D: Ingame Name: Kryptodos
Cyp disabled most of the lobby features as people were abusing them. It's not a bug as it was done with intention.
Mounts have been disabled because there was a bug with it. Pets cannot be used in lobby either. Obviously you will need VIP or higher to activate the secret hideout. If it still doesn't work for VIP+ then I guess there's a bug with it.
Sponsor is below VIP, so you will not be able to use them. As for the pets, Cypriot disabled them a while ago after people mass spawner them in abusing a glitch. Closing & archiving.