Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Borings, May 16, 2016.
Can you guys tell me if this intro is good or not? Rate from 1 - 10 Thanks!
Good, but I've seen better ones. (I like yours much tho)
thanks @Levis means a lot
Welcome to the forums, nice intro!
Thanks @TypicalTryhard :D
Welcome :P
A solid 7.5/10
7.5 wow, prob worst i've got lol, Thanks for the rate!
Ok to be honest it's a 9/10
Its alright
Welcome to the MV Forums! I rate your intro 11/10 :p
I don't like these types of intros. -2/10 I am sorry.
Thanks everyone @Sitzoum1 lol It's a try :P
not saying u didn't do good, I just don't like these intros don't worry :P