Discussion in 'Help' started by Teeeb, May 10, 2014.
I know someone that is trying to do it to staff members now...
Staff members should be protected you would think wouldn't you though?
I had this glitch for over 8 weeks now
Wait I have a comment..since its an effect cant someone try to do /effect clear
It's just a thought
I'll try
It says you don't have the ability to perform that command
for what?
Oohh..yea you dont have permission to do that command..
Still broken for me
I feel sorry for you and others D:
I couldn't go on creative for 3 months :(
We have to find something out
The thing I wonder is why would someone do this
Probably to troll others
:'( Me Cri Cuz That GoodNIGHT my child sound deadful
Hey! guys noobcrew says it's a troll item and the only way to get rid of it is to do /ci
http://gyazo.com/e0837fcaf910fb84815fed8329a8613f Try this.