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  • Goodjob Mineverse staff team!

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic Archive' started by BleuClaire, Jun 21, 2022.

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    1. BleuClaire

      BleuClaire Established Member

      Apr 13, 2021
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      @rent congrats again on using your friendships and your fake facade to gain moderator rank and bring mineverse, especially op pvp (which used to be its biggest gamemode before u ruined it by showing every one and the whole world they could cheat their off and easily get away with it), down to a even lower low than I could've ever imagined.

      for all the people who still think I am lying or whatever you have to think this:

      what reason would I have to still bring this up if it wasn't true? server is dead, no one except the staff team will see this post I literally have 0 reason to lie or make up I don't care if he's mod I don't play and haven't played in years I am honestly just angry at how dumb you guys are how no one wants to believe me because you guys are so biased it's unreal I pray to ing god none of you ever get high function jobs because you guys are so stupid and can't seperate yourselfs from situations think outside of the box or anything

      you can make fun of me for "caring too much" ik rent will mald in the comment section of this post or probably take it down because he's too scared you guys will finally use your brains but at the end of the day I am just mad because my narcissistic and egotistical self can't get over the fact you guys won't admit I am right simply because you guys can't see further than my cyber bullying immature actions that were literally meaningless acting like I commited 90 different warcrimes you guys are dumb as hell I hope you seek enlightenment thank you
    2. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      If you have an issue with a member of our staff team, you can make a staff report or bring it up to one of the head mods in dm and we can work it out.

      To clarify, rent was not promoted through bias or anything coercive, the decision for all 3 new mods was discussed well between the upper staff who have all had different experiences with the different candidates.
      Regardless, this thread is just plain rude, disrespectful to the team and unnecessary and I will be closing this as it violates our rules of staff disrespect and general absusive language.
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