Ight I'm going to keep this short, I'm leaving. To ensure my leave, I am going to get myself banned. Reason for me leaving? Most of my friends left, I've adjusted to the social aspects of school, and it's just boring now. To all my haters, screw you but thanks for being the negativity I needed. To all my friends that are still here, thanks for being there for me in the past and for all the joy. To all, hope y'all enjoy life and continue to appreciate how you live your life, and what y'all do with it. <edit> ;) EDIT: Can I get lots of salt? Thanks
You are the one that would boost my energy everyday... It's sad to see you go. It will be different without your energy in the community, Griffin. Good luck in life. :(
Pappi no! I didn't even get your skype yet :c Welp, we had many awesome times playing infection together, especially when you made a fan club for me, sad to see you go :c Ily 02
Rip Griff ;-; Sad to see u go, had lots of memories in infec All the good times Bai bro, really sucks that u have to go :(