A lot of things are being added, fixed, and changed for the better of the server. Cyp is away for the week currently, though. Your suggestions are never gone to waste and it's always greatly appreciate for you to try and help the server by suggesting ways to improve it. Goodbye, though. Sad to see you think this way about our server, but your past efforts are appreciated (reports/suggestions).
You're leaving due to losing items? If you're really worried about losing your good items then don't use them... Or try to avoid hackers. See you soon.
arrow. Since you joined you have been a close friend of mine. It would be really nice if you stay and try out different gamemodes.
All you do is hating :P im not spanish or something ya weeb, Ive been english my hole life..... I type 80 wpm so like im sorry sometimes i spell wrong rong and stuff its just the backspace bar takes to long to push and if i was writing a formal essay etc i would spell correct but wasting my breath on a dumb situation like you is just to much to ask on ur part :D
i was but haters like holo and the owners having no motive on my side of things really make me stressed and overwhelmed..... I really wish i would stick it out but ive wasted 34 hours strait (zig mod counting time not afk and working) getting prot4 and for a idiot named holo saying yah just deal with it ur a kid who doesnt do anything and spells like a immagrant to the us go get a life skid.... holo has earned his dreadfull goal of getting hatered and using his problems to get somone stressed. if you would like to know how i am able to deal with my un-needed stress in life/school check out my link on my profile
I rather you report the hacker with sufficient proof and the. You can get you're gear back knowing the whole there was a hacker you will get you're stuff very easily sad to see a player leave for such nonsense losing gear it's just a game you can get more gear trying harder.