It would be okay to have, but to still read it when your in middle or high school and be the only thing you read would be a bit odd
The Chaos Walking Trilogy !!! Such an amazing science fiction trilogy, im too lazy to put a summary so just look one up if interested. But I HIGHLY recommend it if you love science fiction, dystopian, lots of action, cliff hangers, and emotion.
gasp i got diary of a wimpy kid the third wheel for my 10th birthday and then i decided to buy hard luck afterwards because i liked that one deadass both ripped up because my twin brother loved them more and left them in places that ruined the cover :(
Yeah I read the first book, and I feel like it doesn't have the amount of detail that the Rangers Apprentice did, it seems like the writer got lazy.
I'm actually reading IT right now and Stephen King definitely has a few screws loose. About 30 of em, in fact. Idk, he likely just has weird ideas. also bump
the conspiracy i think its called, has 13 books, all labeled the 1-13 (corresponding to the months plus an extra one) is a great series! and i think PDF version is available!
Bumping this old thread lol. If anyone here is interested in Star Wars, the novel Thrawn is one of the best books I have ever read.
The Bible is a great book. Only the first half of it, the new testament is pretty borings. If you want a book with some great action scenes or sexual scenes(usually involving children) or scenes where both get combined!! try out the Quran.
The only books I enjoyed were the Alex Rider books back a few years ago when I just started high school. They've aimed at teens/young adults. The author is the guy who has written the last few James Bond books. The last time I read a book other than my A-level guides was like at least 6 years ago.