1. PrideDHomunculus 2. God_is_alive_77 3. Hacking (anti-kb) 4. 2 videos, both in the same game: 1. I hit him with the punch bow, he doesn't move back and he isn't lagging as a moment later he sends an arrow at me. I know its blurry but if you can look closely enough you should see his name's outline (particularly look at the last part). 2. I hit him again with the punch bow and he takes no kb despite him moving his head between the first and second hits. You see his name in the chat after I kill him so blurriness isn't an issue here. Proud to say I won :D If he is banned please ban him fully since lately I've seen people supposedly lobby-tempbanned < 3 days ago coming on.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.