I was wondering who could upgrade me for all this stuff: Factions: (12 kit god) http://gyazo.com/7735e704de2d4db136c9ad7da96a7808 Kitpvp: (5 protection 4 sets, and a INK SACK) http://gyazo.com/fa2478d6dbfb1efbd758a0559bd8e116 OPFactions: (6 double chests of protection 10, 2 double chests protection 15, 43 stacks of god apples, 6 stacks of creeper eggs, 6 stacks of skeleton spawners, a silverfish spawner, a blaze spawner, 2 double chests of tnt, 2 double chests of obsidian, $6million cash, and a sharp 5 axe) Survival: 138k +An OPTIFINE cape (Worth $10 in real life money) http://gyazo.com/bd6f66b7910712857e5bd6b7eb83c0f3 +A free base built for you on factions/opfactions/survival