If you do not know, /god is not enabled for mods/guards on both Prison and ArcherPvP. I find this quite annoying, as I always get shot whenever I'm in the PvP areas. I believe that us moderators should have access to /god on both gamemodes, so we don't get killed when we are trying to moderate and do our jobs. I frequently go on Prison to check on the players and make sure no one is using contraband, but I always end up going through stress while trying to find people using bows. I would like to do this without being constantly annoyed while trying to make sure players are following the rules. I know that this may be considered fun for some of you, but the moderators are merely trying to do their jobs, not end up stressed out in pvp. @Scorvix
Support for Archer Pvp. Neutral for Prison. Reason being as it is annoying and we could probably catch more rule breakers, but it is a role playing game. It would be nice to have, but I don't know how the the pros and cons will balance.
@MaxNinja10 said that it's easier when you run through trying to find hackers and such. Neutral. Because some don't already?
Support for archer but prison no support, Guards can abuse /god and kill prisoners easier (Because they don't care)
Why is this in the suggestions sub thread? If you want something added for moderators then you should post it in the moderation forum.
Support for archer, not for prison as for a prisoner it is very rewarding to kill a guard and since they can fly + sprint and fly it is hard enough, if a guard were to use a invisibility potion and fly around that'd be enough to not make prisoners notice, and god mode is for head guard on prison. Also tech guards are supposed to only attack players when in self defence.
No support(Prison wise). Go invisible? Perfect solution. Also, that's what we try to do, is kill the guards. It's not that hard to catch someone using contraband from the side of PvP. And if you're shot by a bow, just jail the person and that's also how you solve your problem. I see no need for /god in Prison.