So we have the command /gmsg Yes? yes gmsg works so you're allowed to message any player as a staff member. One of the issues is that as a player, you can only: Gmsg staff Gmsg friends My suggestion is allowing you to let us gmsg anyone server-wide. The only reason I bring this up is because of our friends limitation. Edit - you can toggle this so you don't get spammed So yea, just an idea
Neutral, might get annoying being messaged by random players... if you were to add the ability to /ignore players with it, I would support. Neutral for now.
Support, my friend list is just about full and I have people I need to gmsg but I can't. Also, you said we can gmsg staff, I cannot. I don't know if it's just me but I don't have the capability to gmsg staff members. Anyway, support.