Hello friends! Not so long ago we got the addition to poke people on the forums, but I was thinking since we got that added. Why not try it in-game as well. Yes a in-game poking system that only will work with your /friends. It's simple! Here's how it works, there would be a command on every server (global) that would be /poke [friend's username] and then you can't poke them until they reply to your last poke like on the forums. To know when you were poked, you will receive a message on your screen saying "&a(light_green)Player1 &c(light_red)has poked you!" You could disable poking in the /friends menu if they decide to add that. My next suggestion also has to do with /friends which would allow you to have a in-game status only allowed to be seen by /friends. This status would be close to when you post status updates on your profile to keep people updated in-game if they don't have forums. The way it would work is a command called /status [message] (global) once you make a status it would update all your friends with a message saying something like this "&6(gold)Player1 has posted &e(yellow)I'm going out of town for the weekend, cya soon!" and if needed it could also have it's own item in the /friends menu to update it in an anvil like when you add a friend. I hope you like my suggestions and take them in to consideration. Thank you This is of course all possible to be developed into our current /friends plugin because I've seen a recent plugin on Spigot that has these features.
Poking your friends in-game won't work with the command cooldown, that'll ruin it. And I don't see the point of an online/offline status on your /friends