For the sake of this suggestion, please message me privately if I have to change the spelling of some the curse words used in this suggestion before removing/editing them out. I'm more than happy to change out anything you don't like. So if necessary, I will. (Note: I will. Not you). Introduction to the suggestion. Mineverse is meant to be a friendly server. However the way we handle cursing or filter bypassing is a bit childish. (That's EE for Extra Irony). Mineverse isn't just for children. A lot of people (including myself) are adults. And I'm sure that a majority of the players are teenagers. From my perspective, and I'm sure of others as well, we don't mind a curse word or two. ''F'ing hell mate that was cool''. A simple curse word put in a sentence to indicate something. Really, it does no harm in that context. Same story with ''gay'', or g@y. I'm not sure if there's a filter on the forum as wel. I understand if people have mixed feelings of that last example. I just don't agree with you. So, get to the f'ing point. (see, no harm done). My suggestion is to have all players have the possibility to turn their filter on or off. All players would start with their filter being on. If a player has no problem with curse words, or doesn't mind them being used in an offensive context, then they can turn the filter off. Is there a plugin? Googled around a bit and there was no real plugin for it. Unless I'm not searching with the right words in the search bar. Although we have two wonderful developers with plenty of experience which I know would be more than happy to start typing with their magical f'ing fingers. (see? nothing offensive). A plugin has been located. Idk. Read through it. I'm tired. Credit to @Baby for finding this. Concerns or questions I expect to receive. There'd obviously be concerns if this suggestions is implemented that people will automatically be using curse words in a context that hurts religion, culture, race, or individual people. The same forum rules would still apply. With a minor change that if a player is using curse words in an offensive context on a frequent basis, that the permission to turn their filter on or off is permanently removed. I also expect to read a few comments on the topics of how this plugin would be developed, how moderators would keep track of this, etc. Really if Matt doesn't make any typo's we're fine. Anything is possible these days with a few lines of code. For example: HTML. Moderators also have a lovely new system to keep track of all bans nowadays. And if you want a spoiler/blooper real/ gag real, behind the scenes insights... moderators have a private section where they log their bans. I'm not entirely sure if this is still in place (given their new system). However I know that Mineverse is using ban manager at the moment. Which this is perfect for. If you have any concerns, questions, therapy sessions, groceries, comic books, anything. Just share that sh*t on this forum. (Seeeeeeee. Nothing offensive).
Age is only a minor factor in this discussion. :P But it certainly plays a role. Thanks for pointing that out to the reader.
Decided to take a look with the old google search :P Found this amazing plugin
Support, the filter is meant to make the server 'child-friendly', but the majority of people who play curse themselves, so unless you actually need the filter as you are uncomfortable with cursing, are younger etc, I think being able to turn it off would be great
I believe we already have a chat filter though? The one we use is much better and advanced than the one suggested. It can be edited to which words are blocked. However I do know that @Business Kitty has a custom chat plugin which allowed you to swear all you want but you have the ability to turn it off with "/chat profanity" if you didn't want to hear it.
You misunderstand. I'm not trying to replace the chat filter. I'll elaborate later. That last bit sounds intriguing.
The chat filter we currently use doesn't have the ability to toggle the censored words, which is what this suggestion is.