Okay, so we have our owner Noobcrew, co-owner Cypriotmerks and forums administrator Pile. I love our admins on this server and all, but some things can only be done by Cypriot or Noob. Pile would be a great in game administrator in my opinion,. I believe we should have another administrator, they'd basically be a little bit like a co-owner but have less permissions. I'm saying that it'd be easier for Cypriot and Noob so they have to do less, well so Cypriot has to do less :P. I know trusting people can be hard, but maybe they should promote someone they both trust.
Neutral, Pile could be a great addition, but can't fix the main problems of the server itself. The main problem is it being not EULA compliant.
This is likely not to happen, there have been other admins in the past and it didn't work out well. @Gwism for example.
I'm not exactly sure how he got revoked of his rank, but I'm pretty sure he was demoted for something. I wasn't here long enough to tell you exactly, but I was on another of Noobcrew's servers and he was a admin on there.