Hello, I'm DevilOnVacation and I play KitPvp. I was ender pearling and got stuck in a block, that was on the edge of water. My ender glitched me into the block and I begin shaking, I attempted to type /! but it was not working, so I exited game. On an attempt to re-join, I was immediately kicked for Flying (Or Related), all future attempts result in this as well. I have no time to type /spawn or /! or ender out of the block I'm glitched in to. Is there any way you can get me out of this glitch, any way works, hopefully it's as easy as just re-setting me to spawn. I asked a Moderator lolaprez (Butchered Spelling) on OpPvP and he directed me to here. Thanks, DevilOnVacation
Sorry, I would also like to add that I would rather not be killed, but if that is the only option that will suffice. I am in full Prot IV, so I would prefer not, but again, I'll do what must be done
If suffocation is your option I suggest getting a friend to wait where you are stuck and allow him to grab your stuff and give it back once you've respawned.