A mod named MrBeefcak asked if anyone had the death book.I reported in chat I had a book that made you die.He asked me for it,and when I had it,he left,but I accidently had the book in my hand..when I died and respawned,I died AGAIN. So,I tried again,and again,but now I have no access to creative. I need someone to clear my inventory,because I am a VIP and I used my money for this server.If I can't go to creative,this server isn't that good. Please clear my inventory,enableing me to go back to creative and build peacefully. Thank you.
Hey Common problem, Just get Minechat or MC chat lite on android, and type your login Username/Password and login to mineverse.com type in chat /creative and then do /clearinventory Tell me if it works or i'll find another way.