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  • Glitch On GTA

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by LizardKeeper13, Jul 29, 2015.

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    1. LizardKeeper13

      LizardKeeper13 Active Member

      Jun 27, 2014
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      I was the leader of Gangstas and two things happened to my gang that are either major bugs or hackers the first day i had a pretty big gang and al the sudden my gang was deleted, everyone in the gang was gone, and it was completely gone, and since i was leader only i hade the power to disban it, i did no such thing. once i remade the gang and got everyone back in the gang.. two days later i was playing and one of the officers in my gang says "hey.. why is there two of you?" and i didnt beleive him but when i did /gang info.. there was two of me and also I guess the duplicate of me kicked someone out of the gang and then joined in his spot because of the member was complaining he got kicked... and then i noticed since there was two of me one of me was a member and the duplicate took over leader... I started freaking out but for some reason i could /promote my self... I have no clue why but i could.. and then i promoted myself back to leader.. then there was LizardKeeper13's as leader.. TWO LEADERS how is that possible?!?! and then a few mins later i got kicked to the lobby and now i cant join gta.. and when i try to join it doesnt say anything about me being banned or anything like that.. I try to join.. i see the gta world for a split second then im back at the lobby. Im sorry i have no evidence of this because I cant get back into gta... so I cant show evidence your going to have to beleive me..
      Anyone know what might of happened?
      Last edited: Jul 29, 2015
    2. LizardKeeper13

      LizardKeeper13 Active Member

      Jun 27, 2014
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      I can go back on Gta, but there is still two of me, Mod plz close this @PopIs_MyLife
    3. PopIs_MyLife

      PopIs_MyLife Legendary Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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