My in-game name is : PandaPyscho5656_ The offender's name is : ImAWoman When I was in the skywars lobby ImAWoman came to me at first and blew me up. He got the tnt and tnt cannon from doing the glitch which is /shop : so he can access the skywars shop. After he had tnted me he had tnted many others in the lobby. A few seconds after that he chose to drop his cannons when he found out I was taking pictures of him for a report. The evidence . In this picture it shows that he has the cannon and has ate a golden apple (You can tell from the particle effects) In the 2nd picture theres a closer view of him holding the cannon. The last picture is him throwing the cannon's out.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread as been moved to Reports - Banned.