Ignorant Donators and naive players Hi everyone, I don't know if I'm actually allowed to post here so if I'm not then please tell me gizzy and Ill remove this. As some of you may have realised mineverse has a lot of donators and this number increases everyday. Something I have noticed along with this is that these donators think that they own the server and can say and do as they please. Many a time I've been on different lobby's that think they can use some really quite horrific language even though they know young children are watching and reading the chat. Yesterday I was on Op pvp and some one was talking about rape and other gruesome activities, this isnt all, then when I messaged said person who shall not be named that my younger brother was playing and could they tone the language down a bit, I was then told " off I dont give a " I can quote this because I did report said person and they did get muted but that shouldnt happen. On a seperate incident i simply asked a titan on skygrid if they had access to the /enchant command, he then told me something along the lines of " off im busy i havn't got time for you" Every time donators are rude it usually involves swearing too however if i ever ask a normal player a question, for their opinion or even for a favour 9 time out for 10 they will refuse but they are ALMOST NEVER RUDE. Another phrase I see an awful lot is "you can trust me, im a rank", Why exactly should i trust you even if you have spent $250 on pixels? These people could have scammed someone to get the ranks and are now going to scam you as well. People need to realise that unfortunately you cant trust anyone due to this little thing that everyone has inside them called greed. What annoys me just as much is someone after being scammed spams the chat saying that someone is a scammer and then begging for money and then when you tell them to be quiet and that it is partially their fault they end up swearing at you. "Kinsey_Kid is a scammer, can someone please give me some cash" (said no one ever :p) but it is something to that effect. People need to realise that unless you know somebody in real life or you have known them for a while the chances are they are trying to scam you, I know this isn't always the case as I have met some genuinely honest and kind people on Mineverse but most of the people I meet are scammers. Wow, I was actually just going to suggest this to @GizzBots but then I kinda just wrote a rant myself :D This is just something that winds me up when it comes to mineverse