Giving 10k in SkyWars money to 1 lucky person. Good luck to all! Please follow the template. :> The winner will be announced on 3/22/16 Format: IGN: Current balance: Reason you should get this: Proof of balance:
IGN: Redman333 Current Balance: 264 Reason: Idk I dont have alot of coins and I really want to use the Black Hole from the shop more often :P
IGN: rpcraig Current balance: 823 Reason: I don't have to much money and I really enjoy playing on skywars but I often find my self limited on what I can due because of not having enough money to buy any of the items I need. Thanks Good luck to everyone!
IGN:CeruleanBlue Current balance:0 Reason you should get this:I like to allahu ahkbar people in skywars.
IGN: EliteJax Current balance: 400 Reason You should get this: I don't have much money on here and I want to have fun.
Ign: DanielleTheSpewn Current Balance: 213 Reason you should get this: I want this opportunity because I absolutely love playing skywars and using the shop. I always forget to collect my kit. And when I do remember to get my kit, I share it with other players.
IGN: Duplexy Current balance: 315 Reason you should get this: It's hard to maintain the balance I have or even gain any more than what I usually have. I'm only allowed to vote and use my kit every 24 hours.
SithKitten07 My current balance is $52 I think I should win because I don't have a lot of mo eg and would really like to black hole the game and I do t get all the things I need to play it.... Hope I'm not to late
IGN: RebornWolf Current balance: Last time I ever checked it was $16 Reason you should get this: The first time I played Skywars, I had a lot of money, but my stupidness caused me to waste it all on blackholes, tnt cannons, armour, etc. I became broke in about 5 games, and regretted my actions. I've been trying to save up but never can. So, this money would really help me out a lot because I'm a major noob on Skywars but wish to play it more and more these days.
IGN: Fxdei_ Current balance: 007, OOOHHH James Bond 360noscopeheadshotdoublecriticalassist Reason: I'd always like money, not only for me, but to help other players too.