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  • GFX Artists, Intro Makers, and Motion Designers Wanted!

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Super2k, Jun 21, 2016.

    1. Super2k

      Super2k Active Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      GFX Artists, Intro Makers, and Motion Designers Wanted!
      Written by Super2k

      Hey there!

      My name is Super2k! I am here because I need YOUR help! Within the next few weeks, I will be revamping my YouTube channel. New graphics, new intro and outro, new music, and more! This means I am calling all GFX Artists, Intro Makers, and Motion Designers! If you know any, please recommend them by replying to this thread! If you have the time, making art for my YouTube Channel is welcome as long as it looks professional looking. I'll even put your YouTube Channel in my subbox if I end up using it!

      This is all the GFX I will need for my YT Channel:
      1) Profile Picture
      2) Channel Art
      3) Intro
      5) Outro
      7) Chill Music to Play during the Video

      Here is the style I am wanting my YT Channel to look like after the revamp:
      1) I would like, simple, professional 2D / 2.5D Art. (3D Art is also Accepted!)
      2) 2D / 2.5D Profile Picture, Channel Art, and Intro!
      3) I prefer simple, professional looking graphics. I'm not a big fan of the 3D Intros because many people use them. I'd prefer 2D/2.5D Art, especially an intro!
      4) I prefer 2D Intros, such as those made by GeekyBrackets. (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQt7S4tMHiedMU8SVqdSWIA)
      5) The color theme I'd like would be Sky Blue, White, and Light Grey.
      6) The type of music I would like in my intro and outro would be be a little bit different than what you'd normally see. I don't want any of the intense music that have 'insane' or 'sick' drops. I prefer feel-good music that is enjoyable to hear, but still energetic and exciting. I'm not a big fan of the 'over-used' music that is seen in many minecraft intros. I'd like something unique. Please recommend music! I'm stuck on this one! [Examples of my style: ProleteR - April Showers, ProleteR - Can't Stop Me, GriZ - Gettin Live (Rai Remix)]

      Many artists can be found on YouTube!
      If necessary, I will be willing to pay an acceptable amount.

      The reason I prefer 2D / 2.5D art is because my channel will not only focus around Minecraft, but other games as well, vlogs, IRL challenges, and whatever you want to see! I don't want to keep my channel strictly to Minecraft.

      YT Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7xdIOj8uGi5kqQ1_OnS0nA


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