Specifically me? Lol Get in mineverse community again Try helping users on forums Im not going to change my position unless i see a change Good luck~
That's not the only thing I mentioned. You've repeatedly no supported my application, and haven't giving me an accurate response. You've got to be cooperative as a moderator to understand what the player is asking from you. I also rarely see online. If I do see improvement, therefore I will re-consider. Thank you, and good luck.
Neutral; active on forums, in-game, I don't see so much of you. Reports, you gotta have some reports my guy. Good luck!
https://gyazo.com/aad3f00e00de7fa09ad3b4e5bceab0f4 https://gyazo.com/eea7ab0eda28bb7f0cec950df0aa4533 Take a look at some reports I did in the last 2 days hopefully this will make you support me.
As for helpful, I’m always a very helpful person if anyone needed any help It’s my job to help other players in need of the help. Are you serious? This is your application? Fix the grammar and spelling mistakes, and try and make it so that it's actually readable. Then maybe I'll support you.
Hey guys would you consider rethinking your idea on my application , if so what else can I do to gain your support?
Alright from the three things I've listed to give you a no support have been removed off that list. Now, I would to see you be cooperative with people.
https://gyazo.com/dbc8cd7992554a0ff435c49d7a7a60b0 https://gyazo.com/c998709d62b31e52e81ed908d8224962 These are 2 examples I didn't take the liberty to screen shot everything I helped someone to these are from today