Hey guys I want to know YOUR best Chuck Norris joke! Mine is : Chuck Norris is The Reason Waldo Is hiding and Chuck Norris's Tears Cure cancer Too bad Hes Never Cryed.
Here are some good ones: ~Chuck Norris doesn't flush the toilet, he scares the out of it ~Chuck Norris and Superman once fought with 1 condition, the loser had to wear his underwear on the outside of his shorts. (Because superman wears thos read tights thingies) ~The original title of Alien vs. Predators was Predators vs. Chuck Norris, the cancelled it abruptly, who wants to watch a movie only 10 seconds long?
You can get these easily of a website, but I'll post good ones here. Fear of spiders is aracnaphobia, fear of tight spaces is chlaustraphobia, fear of Chuck Norris is called Logic Some magicans can walk on water, Chuck Norris can swim through land. Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table, because Chuck Norris only recognizes the element of surprise. Ghosts sit around the campfire and tell Chuck Norris stories. (That one made me lmao)