I would like to say thank you for all the staff and friends that have helped me and always been there for me during rough times... I love you all so much and you guys mean the world to me. I'll be quiting mineverse and i'm never coming back period. I'll be on forums at times but never in game due to the fact im lobby banned for death wishes to the toxic members of the server. I just want to say these 3 years with this server have been great and filled with a lot of unforgettable memories... @samuelgamer123 you're my homie and always will be, we've been bestfriends for 4 years now <3... @Pile I love you sooo much mom <3 you've always been there for me and never let me down. @Exstatisfy you're awesome and I love pvping with you but i'm sorry I won't be able to protect you anymore :/ @OfficallyUnknown we go way back and always been bros for 3 years now, ily no homo. I'm sorry if you're name isn't on here its just that there is way too many. @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew thank you for making this server so much fun, without you guys I wouldn't of been able to meet such amazing and fun people that are my friends today. I love you guys, bye... If you ever want to contact me well my youtube channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDi61O09JYJhLrB6Tb3oEsw
Well, I guess you got the L's handed to you this time. I'm just kidding. Bye, have fun doing other stuff.