Hello Everyone, Like I use Gyazo GIF for all my hacker reports, And It's laggy and can record 5 seconds only, I am searching a free, simple mac screen recorder To record hackers easier. Would anyone know one?
You can buy Screenflow, unless you don't mind the big "Screenflow trial" watermark on it. Or, you should have a built-in recording software called Quicktime. I found quicktime confusing when I used a mac, though it may be easy for you. Press Win+Alt+R in Minecraft
For my Mac I use QuickTime player. I'm pretty sure if you're going to install it it's free, because when I got my Mac it already had it. It's lag free and easy to use.
You should already have one built in. Press Windows Key + G. It will pop up above the game you’re playing. This is the game bar If you wish to record, do Windows Key + Alt + R. To stop, do the same combination.
Before I switched back to using QuickTime, I used a recorder called screen-o-matic. If you are interested I will send you a link and a guide on how to use it through PM.
Camtasia Studio 8 has always been my preferred recorder. You can get the full program for free via a crack online. There's a video of it on YouTube, and yes it is safe. https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=JxqnFjaBmJk
Moved to off topic. Please use the help section for server related help questions. Best of luck to you with the recorder.