Do you like my cat? I volunteered to foster her for two weeks. She's what they call a "special needs" cat. She's part blind and can walk on her own but since she can't see you have to guide her to her liter box, food and/or water. She's a precious little cat though! Right now she's playing with a little monkey I got her >.<
That's soo adorable!! I can't have cats though bc my dad and I are allergic :( I wish I could though. She's super cute! I love her blue eyes
I fostered cats a few moths back... Untill 2 my kittens died. Anyway! I love fostering cats, its a great experience to learn from... But it did lead me to adopt 4 more cats... After I had 6 cats, I fostered 2 cats at a time, it was awesomeee :D Then a few days ago (Sunday) we adopted two more cats... Those cute little smushed face cats! :D I shall call my self a Crazy Cat lady! :p (If you need any Tips with fostering, or you have any Problems with anything, feel free to PM me :p)
Progress: 2nd day/night with her she's doing fine. She finally found where her food, water, and litter box was. But I do have to set an alarm in the night to help her out just in-case. Thanks for all the positive comments <3
I'll trade you my kitten[even though she's 3 years old and still the size of a kitten] for that cat o:
Meanwhile, my dog is chasing my older brother who is trying to be a dog himself but is failing badly. Now he is on the floor grabbing his knees.