I think there should be a trophy for reporters, this could be based on the number of accepted reports they have. I just think people should be rewarded for helping to keep mineverse clean.
Is it even possible for a trophy to be made for specific type of reports only? (Leaving out lack of evidence and already banned ones I assume).
No, they shouldn’t. I don’t know why people feel they should be rewarded for the littlest things nowadays. If you take the time out of the day to report a cheater, great. But an award? Really?
As much as I like the thought, I don't think it would work out. All I see for this is people spamming chat reports. (altho some already do *cough* @Swift *cough*)
This was already one of the trophies Janice, Pile, Matt and I looked into, but it's not possible Though Matt could probably code some stuff, I dont think it's really worth it
As Sando has stated it really doesn't seem worth the time custom coding something as this. Reporting players is usually something players do when they either hate hackers, or are going for staff (or both). No award should be expected.