This was a mini suggestion by @Krissy_ on Skyblock forums. She never made an actual suggestion for it, but she gave me the idea to suggest it here. This idea is about adding a "World and Politics Issues" section. This would be the section where you can post things such as the #PrayForParis and such. You'd be able to debate about anything within the forum rules. So yea, it's just a suggestion.
No support. There might be some young people here, so I'd suggest that those stuff be discussed at home or in a convo.
Political and religion are hot button topics across the board, I do not believe they belong on here. The whole pray for paris thing, I get. Because no matter what political party you support, or religion you are, when mass murders are committed, people pull together and show solidarity. Many, if not most, religions have some sort of prayer. When prayers are asked for, you can pray however you do. If you aren't of the praying sort, then just show support and send good thoughts.
the section will have rules. Religion doesn't quite come into this. This is basically for world news, things that you have heard that is going on that is family appropriate and not overly controversial. If this section isn't made then the same threads will appear in rants and off topic so why not actually make a section for it. And besides, if it's all in one place it will not be in the sections kids would be interested in. The forums are catered to 13+ so I see no issue in healthy discussion on world matters and for it to have a section. There is flame in almost every section anyway... I see no difference between this and the idea of a rant section (which exists). So support
Support. Well if there are some young people it's not like they Have to come onto this section, and think, if people put this kinda stuff on Off Topic then young people will see it cause of other game related stuff on Off Topic while this will only have politics and World issues so you are not forced to view it.
I see @Pile_of_Butts saying this when people make these threads, and she always says how a Minecraft forum is not a Religious/Politics forum. I don't really think this place should have a section like this. Good idea, but no support. :(
Support. This section would be good for discussions like you said #prayforparis and just to learn more about the world.
You make it sound fun. I have a question: Do you think that users will actually post news unrelated to Mineverse, we come here to discuss Minecraft, not suicide bombing?
Politics is something I find fun/interesting. Yes, I believe people would. We already have some threads not related to Mineverse/Minecraft but more World and Politics Issues section. But hey, that's just my opinion on it.