Support on the first bit about being an active member, neutral on the second bit, even if posting support on someone's application has no effect on them getting staff it can be a confidence booster although I can see where you're coming from with the rate abuse thing
No support Firstly: The communities opinion really helps cyp decide if a player is suited to become moderator by reading through some of the replies and seeing how the player reacted to that situation being that comment. Also with this suggestion regarding staff members being the only ones allowed to view applications this would really make people more biased in the position in my mind. Secondly: Active member is now harder to obtain meaning it now takes months instead of the straight week than it used to meaning newer suited players for the position wouldn't be able to apply making potentially players not suited for the position get promoted and be demoted making more pointless work for cyp which could have been avoided if this wasn't in affect. The system is the way it is currently so there's a good way to judge an applicant on their behaviour both on forums and in game which is the system filter which helps get the good moderators we have today. This is not a foolproof system as seen with mods getting demoted but has stopped major abuse which would ruin a gametype or the server. Feel free to disagree with this remark but heaps of threads like these have been made because players want to increase their chances of being promoted by using these types of strategies to lower the competition.