honesty, i support this as well. giving them 48 hours to reach a certain number of posts could lead to post farming. another thing is that it gives them a hope that will never actually occur. rather than gaining the requirements like they should, they would be scrambling to do so. this could potentionally harm their chances of becoming mod.
There is a reason we have to give them 48 hours, even if it isn't possible for them to reach the requirements. This is how cyp wanted it and honestly we are lucky we got this. He doesn't want people's dreams crushed, so closing them isn't something that he likes.
I just don't feel that isn't very fair at all if you give someone 48 hours to gain the unreachable. That's what I like to call a false hope. That's more crushing than not getting something straight away. You're better of closing the app and telling them your reason why as well as assuring them that when the reach the minimum requirements, that they can then post another application or ask a moderator to open their current one. That's actually a good point. It's very possible for someone to gain the message and then given a time limit in which they need to gain the requirements. It does indeed make them choose to post farm, which has happened on many occasion. People have been reported many times because of it. Thank you for supporting. Thank you, and exactly, it could make them choose to do what was stated above and post farm, etc.
Yes, it certainly would. I mean, it's not really a BIG deal, but it's just another little thing that could be handled in a different way to make things that bit better.
The Staff Team is already doing this, or at least we're suppose to. If you see any like this that haven't been closed, use the clickable report option or tag me personally. Accepted.