hii loves! I'm making banners today it's quite odd that I'm in that mood, but whatever! So, here's some of my work and things that I've done so far: This is your name and what ever you would like under it, so I'll call this one style one. This one is like a welcome to my profile etc. (Style two) This one is just your name and whatever "emoji?" you want here's the one's I'll be doing: ❤ ♡ ❥ ღ ✦✧ ☾ ☽ ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ♦♢♔ ♕ ♚ ♛ ♬ ☪ And those are the "emojis?" I'll be using. If you would like to use any of the pictures here tell me, also please provide your own pictures for your banners if you don't want to use any of these ones. Here's the template, everything beside the template describes what the meaning is. Name: basically what name you want on your banner, if you don't want a name say welcome or hi etc. Image: provide your image that you request or write that you want one of the images I used here. Style: As provided there is 3 different styles pick one of your liking. Emoji: ❤ ♡ ❥ ღ ✦✧ ☾ ☽ ★ ☆ ✮ ✯ ♦♢♔ ♕ ♚ ♛ ♬ ☪ pick an emoji any emoji. If not wanted just do: N/A Font: Provide font please, I have many choices potentially might have the one you want. If your doing style 1, please write in the template what you would like under your name, Now that we are done explaining the template, I'll tell you guys a few things: I will not be making profile pictures. Inappropriate language will not be put on these banners. Inappropriate pictures will not be banners as I will not accept them. I'll be PMing you the banner. All right, anyways that's it uh, I'll add more things if needed questions will be answered in this thread. Thanks for reading toodles! <3
I love the banners! Could you make me a banner just like the Nike one you made except with my name of course. :p And this emoji "✯" either side. Thanks Dino! <3
Name: CaliiBear Image: (Can you somehow make it so that black text at the bottom right corner not be shown? ;3) Style: One style one (can it say: Nerd | Lazy Bear Emoji: ღ Font: I don't care you can choose but can the color be teal? thanks love<3
Oh, okay thanks! here is what I made though. Thoughts on it, anything I need to change before I make the official version, here it is anyways:
Can you change the color to a darker and use this kind of cover because I sorta trimmed it so the black text won't show. Thanks Dino. owo