What is a spoiler? Simply put, a spoiler is something that hides information and prompts the user to click to show it. Here's an example: Show Spoiler How to make a spoiler Firstly, when making a spoiler, you need to use the BB Code editor. Using the Rich Text Editor often breaks the spoilers, leaving you with many problems. Spoilers are very simple to code. In fact, all you need to do is use spoiler tags within the BB Code editor. The code below is the code for the spoiler above: Code: Spoiler This is a spoiler Custom named spoilers Again, very simple. All you have to do is use spoiler=Name and it'll be named Name (open) and Name (close). You can see this below: Code: Spoiler: Name This is a named spoiler Name (open) Even more custom named spoilers This is a variation of the named spoiler above, but you can add two names; one for open and one for closed. For example, you use spoiler=Open me, Close me an it will display as Open me when closed and Close me when open. You can see this below: Code: Spoiler: Open me, Close me This is a named spoiler Open me Formatting spoilers When formatting a spoiler, make sure that your BB tags are relative. E.g. If you make a bold tag inside the spoiler at the start, make sure that your /bold tag is also inside the spoiler tag. If you move your tags around, your spoiler will either break or duplicate Code: Spoiler This is a bold spoiler Show Spoiler Fixing a spoiler There are many things that can go wrong when you create a spoiler, especially if you use the Rich Text Editor. Below is an example of a broken spoiler, taken from Panem's signature (with permission) Code: Spoiler: YouTube & Staff Kills 12.18.2013 12.18.2013 I only put different kind of people here, i never post people twice, even though i killed them more than once! Show Spoiler This spoiler didn't duplicate, but it broke by creating extra spoilers inside the main spoiler, which the user didn't intend to do. This is because he was importing images by using the Rich Text Editor, which made the BB Code place itself in the wrong area. Below is my fix for this spoiler: Code: Spoiler: YouTube & Staff Kills 12.18.2013 12.18.2013 I only put different kind of people here, i never post people twice, even though i killed them more than once! YouTube & Staff Kills (open) As you can see, there are a lot less center tags, as the Rich Text Editor decides to code every single line of text, rather than a block. That's all for this tutorial. If I've missed anything or you need any help, feel free to leave a comment :D Copyright goes to GuruGamer