Guys remember the reason in the first place why it was removed? From rate abuse! And what makes you think that it won't happen this time?
I honestly think that bringing back that rating wouldn't work. It's so negative compared to the simple dislike. I would rather them implement a rude rating rather than the dumb rating again.
I feel that you are correct, however i think they should implement both of them back. I feel that we need more then 2 negative ratings, 4 would work
I mean.. Let's say "I think bedwars is a bad gamemode" people could rate that dumb because they thought it was dumb, that's a +1 dumb right there and I rather not have it counted as a negative rating on my profile. Neutral.. To be honest I rather get a dislike or disagree than dumb.
gonna support my own suggestion because its pretty good Its literally some pixels on the internet, why not have it for all the retarded things people sometimes post. Trust me this would be great. Its just you guys arnt fro back when it was enabled and dont understand ;ppp