Well I was thinking about what I was going to do after I come back from my Mineverse break and I thought. Well since I know a lot of players who are really active why not reward really active players. My idea is that if you play for more that 100 hours on Mineverse you get P4 set with DS3 boots and a plain Sharp 5 sword and 100 dollars 200 Hours P4 unbreaking3 set with Ds3 boots Sharp 5 smite 3 sword and 200 dollars 1k hours you get 300 dollars and a 5 dollar rank 2k hours you get and upgrade 3k hours you get 3 sets of P4unbreaking3 and 3Sharp 5 smite 5 sword and 500 dollars and Premium rank I will be supprised if you make it over 5k hours you get $1k in game and 3 p4 unbreaking3 sets and 3 Sharps5 Smite 5 swords And Afking doesn't count as playing and jumping up and down doesn't count as playing also you should have something that detects auto Afk and auto jump
No support. Clicking would count as moving and anyone can afk with killaura to get some OP gear. Besides, I think the server has enough people in p4u3ds3 already. Being online to earn a rank? No thank you.
No support, someone would find a way to afk this, and wed have to deal with op gear being worth very little.