Yeah when 1.9 comes out, plz make aflying g4mw where ecery1 powns. in english: add a new kitpvp/nopaytowin type of gamemode that has wings in it. Why not and ask the builderteam to make a flyingpvp map? Nothing special, just a simple pvp, whit wings! Rank's kits thoughts down below exsm. -kit god -Ghoulem's quickout (bow) punch 2 power3 -diamond chestplate p3 thorns4? -gold sword sharpness 2 kb1 -iron boots feather falling4 pp4 dp2 -kit titan -Doomomatic (bow) power4 punch3 unb2 -diamond chestplate p4 thorns3 -iron boots feather falling4 dp3 pp4 -golden sword sharpness 3 kb2 -kit flyer (aka kit fight) -leather boots feather falling1 -stone sword unb10 kb2 sharpness1 -always speed 5 -kit scrapper (aka kit special) -iron axe sharpness 2 kb1 -diamond chestplate no enchants -heartless crusader (bow) power6 punch2 5/100 durability no fixing or anviling -always regen 1 -kit zeus (aka kit tempest) -Lighting wepator (bow) power 1 punch3 lighting effect? -golden chestplate pp4 unb3 -3 golden apples -kit steel retrubution (tanky) -full iron set -pp3 -p2 20/100 durability no fixing or anveling -handmade steelsword sharpness1 kb2 -novice steelbow (bow) punch 1 power 2 -always slowness 2
This sounds fun.. but it would kinda be like impossible to die since you can fly forever. Maybe having a jetpack with a limited amount of fuel?