For Some Odd Reason I Cant Use My Flint And Steel In My Claimed Area! I Right Click, It Shows A Flame, Then Immediately Dissapears And My Flint And Steel Doesnt Have Any Damage. Anyone Know Why Or What The Cause Is? PS: The Flint And Steel Worked Before, Now Its Not Working!
Hm, maybe you can't place fire in claims. Not sure. Has this been resolved? If I do not get a reply I will archive this within 48h. If you disagree with that, report this post and a staff member will unarchive.
Idk, all I know was that I can use flint and steel in my plot before the server updated to 1.8, after that, I could not use it in my plot.
It was taken out a while before the update. Before, yes, you were capable of lighting things on fire, but I think Crew/Cyp took it out for obvious reasons. It isn't a bug.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.