SUPPORT!! Also, don't forget the boosting spot with the bush near the blue house (if they didn't fix it already). People will go there if they are desperate to get up.
Support! When I play infection I usually see players trying to glitch their way up there so the infected players can't reach them which makes it totally unfair. If we added some sort of barrier than that would be great!
You don't understand. Once you are boosted, zombies can't go up in these places. It makes the game longer than it needs to be and it's unfair
Support. Although Scorvix and myself have already stated this in a private conversation to Cyp, this can be viewed another time. I could add many other common boosting, block glitching and hidden dispensers in the thread, but I do not see it necessary. To clarify, Boosting is a illegal offense. The rules are not strict on boosting, but they are still illegal. People use these, like @Baby said, to exploit and makes the game longer than it needs and unfair. Also, it's a automatic win, depending on the spot with the map. This rule applies to both boosting and block glitching.