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    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by kyleh2232, Jul 4, 2016.

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    1. kyleh2232

      kyleh2232 Active Member

      Dec 23, 2013
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      Mineverse is litterally so bad, DONATORS have started hacking. I have plenty of evidence of this, But im not going to bother to upload, Because mineverse is most likely going to shut down by 2017. I am sure we can all agree, But people will say they don't, Not because they ACCTUALLY don't, But because they do not want to get into trouble. Why don't you just spend 10 BLOODY MINUTES fixing the server. All you have to do is download a ANTI CHEAT and your fine. Wow. ALSO in the vote, It says 'NO LAG'. Well, Obviously noobcrew was drunk when he stated that. I mean, A vast majority of the mods don't come online anyways. They only appealed so they can cheat in gear. THINK ABOUT IT. Don't close this, The mod that closes this, Is obviously one of the mods who doesnt give 2 sheets about Mineverse.
    2. Encroach

      Encroach Active Member

      May 18, 2016
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      You do realize mods don't have /gmc? Nor do they have any permissions to "cheat in items". Honestly this thread should be closed because in no way is this actually a legit thing. You are just bashing the owners because of a couple things that they cant stop / fix.

      @Pile @Nanurz @Dyna_Mighty
    3. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      I don't get what the suggestion is?

      "Fix the whole server"? If you are going to have such an emphasised title, at least make the thread a little better. You've literally given bad information on what you actually want to happen here.

      Donators hack, sure. They will however, be banned.

      We already have an anti-cheat, but clients are updating faster and it's easier to bypass anti-cheat nowadays.

      One of your sentences started off about "No Lag", then ended with no mods coming online anyway? Please make up your mind as to what you are actually talking about.

      "No Lag", that's merely impossible with any server that gains traffic.

      Mods are active enough, reports do get done, which is currently what we need.

      Why did you take the time to write this, if you yourself won't bother to help out either and expect it all to be set out and done for you? If you like the server, then please do help and provide the moderators with the help that they require to further how they can help out too. Report hackers, they will be banned and then the server will be more playable for the likes of people who PvP.
    4. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Thread locked for failure to adhere to forum rules and responsibilities.
      If you disagree to this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.

      Kind regards,
      The Staff
    5. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Feel free to make a more reasonable thread.
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