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    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Atom, Sep 10, 2021.

    1. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      whenever i've played mc central recently it takes a good while to get enough players for a game to start, some gamemodes don't even get enough players for a game to start, so I disgaree.
    2. BrainStormBlitz

      BrainStormBlitz Experienced Member

      Sep 3, 2016
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      i don't even play mc anymore, perhaps it's safe to say that our generation has moved on, and the new one prefers different stuff/gamemodes and servers.
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    3. dune

      dune Active Member

      Jun 17, 2019
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      using + instead of making sentences because idgaf
      "make it make sense" bruh wtf LOL test on a test server or staff server or whatever the hell they have set up.
      + its not a matter of when its reset its if it is cus the lets discuss infection thread hasnt been bumped in 4 months lmfao + no word from any staff I don't even think there are staff left most of them are just gone and kept their positions somehow im chill with most of them so idrc.
      + revamping the server/ little updates is basically a hard reset just chopped up like if you think about it, it makes them look some what productive rather then giving me everything I want and dipping for a month or 2 just to give me some BS creative update ( recent changelog ).
      + flaming the staff cus they prioritized creative over infection lmfao
      time to be gone for another month try not to reply within a day again also I saw you resigned so ggs well played

      Edit: Learn how to code and fix the server yourself Janice kinda lonely not being able to work without crews consent so pls be the next crypto merkz wtvr the heck his ign was instead of tiktok = happy (nonexistent) community
    4. Max

      Max Janice's Mentor Premium

      Apr 16, 2014
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      I don’t think that shutting down the server for any extended period of time would be beneficial even slightly. For those of you who may recall, Minetime was a pretty popular server once upon a time as well, but after it got black listed and was shut down, by the time it came back up the entire player base was non existent. Despite the fact that it had exciting changes like new ownership, staff, and possibly a bright future. It never even left the ground. I fear that the same scenario would occur if Mineverse were to close its doors for “renovation”.

      It’s a very complicated subject if you really think about it. A lot of us think to ourselves that Mineverse’s decline can be answered due to Minecraft dying out and losing popularity, but that’s just not the case. Minecraft is still an incredibly popular game with millions of players worldwide. For example, another server that we all know that starts with the letter H is still doing just fine. That is of course thanks to the constant output of updates and content that they have been able to maintain for as long as I can remember. Mineverse is incapable of keeping up in its current state, which is really sad for me to say, but it’s not a hard realization to come to. Of course Crew has put so much time and effort into this server over the years and without him none of this would even be possible, but it would be ignorant to not acknowledge his constant MIA status, and the admins having their hands tied behind their backs because they are incapable of doing what needs to be done without his say so.

      Truthfully, I really did start to see a breath of new life when all of the revamps initially started to come out, I thought that Mineverse was turning a new leaf with a strong staff team and an active administration. As we can all see that didn’t last very long. The community can only be loyal for so long before enough is enough, and that is why the majority has given up on trying to stay active. There are many people who, like me, check in from time to time solely because of the memories, friends, and the amount of time I spent here, it’s hard to let it go. Nostalgia is a very powerful thing though, and I can almost guarantee that if things were to turn around that a large portion of the “OG” players would return more frequently and even enjoy playing again. The power is in the hands of Crew, it really is, and it always has been. Things need to change and they need to be effective and consistent. They cannot be sporadic like they have been these last couple of years. The leadership sets the example and drives the rest of the staff team and players, and without that main line of communication there is no hope.

      That is why Mineverse is dying/dead, and the only way it can improve. Shutting down, resetting random game modes, unbanning everybody, and having an update once every blue moon is not going to fix the seemingly endless list of issues that drive away the possibility of success. We need consistency, effort, and effective and open communication.
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      Last edited: Oct 28, 2021

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