Hello I currently know that many suggested this but I am suggesting it again: the bedwars oh my bedwars you got issues to the day of issues your basically a crisis. Bw1: Middle is fully world guarded. Bw2: Red has a world guardedbchunk infront of it Bw3: Middle is fully world guarded Bw4: you can easily glitch abuse the ice and make it melt and make it about impossible to get the bed. Bw5: green is world guarded you need to spawnkill to win since you can't break there bed. Bw7: middle is world guarded. Bw8: middle world guarded. Bw9 middle world guarded Bw10 also middle is world guarded. And so on and basically the bw16 it keepsbcrashing and going down each time they raise it up it goes down. Please fix these issues since they are bad and ruin the game
No, on maps like snow island where there is no gold at mid we can build everywhere. We should be able to build everywhere
all of the stuff he stated besides one have to do with the maps support im p sure someone who worked on bw before left tho so idk if we'll ever fix anything