I'm sorry to hear this happened to you :/ Hopefully Mojang can spare the time to return your account to you. Best of luck and remember; in cod we trust. ^ blubscoped m8
Damn, I feel really bad :( Tbh, this makes me really sad. People being that much of an EDIT. Hacking someone's Minecraft account. Like, it's a pixelated game, that you can't afford. It's pathetic how low people will go.
I thought your username stays available for you for 37 days after you change it in order for you to change it back after 30 days if wanted? As to stop other people from stealing it?
Thanks for telling us. Good Luck on getting it back and hey, it's not the end of the world. Stay strong & Keep Swimming Very nice thread btw.
Dang that stinks. I hope you can get it back. But like others have said, you'll be more than welcomed with any name. And omg @WolfBane you are killing me with the pics! :D
I have the username Dewbious because i saw the name and i liked it but i did not hack your account or anything i just liked the name and it happend to be available. I didn't know that you got hacked but I'll be glad to give it back. My skype is [EDITED]
he didn't state the person who hacked his account took the username. He stated that he was hacked and his name was changed and that another user guessing you claimed the name not knowing the account it came from was compromised.
Really awesome that you got your name back! I'm happy for ya. :D And it was really nice of you to return it to him.
Congrats on getting it back! And @MotoPixel , you rock for being so awesome in returning his name to him. You are proof that there are still good people in the world!
Nice job getting it back! That chance was one not to be missed! Swim faster! @MotoPixel thanks so much!